Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is it the truth or is it what they want us to believe?

How do we know that the news papers and channels carry the truth about what is happening in the world? During the revolution in Egypt the country newspapers were still following the old regime's style, Instead of putting headlines to convey what is truly happening and why people are risking their lives in order to get their rights their were headlines about the people who came out in support for Mubarak as seen in the picture below even though the vast majority was against the old regime.
The media also seemed to exaggerate the amount of people that were with the regime to convey the message they wanted.We see in this link how the news exaggerate the amount of people supporting the old regime as if they were equal in amount to those who were against the regime. The question is does the news convey the truth or is it biased to what they want us to believe.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

People's Obsession With Disney Land

After watching lily's surprise Disney land video in class, i wondered if there were more kids that would react more or less the same.When i searched you tube i found nearly a hundred videos if not more of parents surprising their kids about going to Disney land as if it was the only thing they wanted from the world one of the videos is this one which is used at the beginning of one of disney's tv commercials Land has managed to get not only children but even adults obsessed about going.The question is, is it really that amazing or is this another way of increasing their revenue? If there are that many exciting videos about it then i am sure there are lots of people out there still to be influenced to spend a fortune over what i believe is over rated.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hidden Messages In Cartoon

              Stereotyping in the mass media has become very common.It is meant to influence one's ways of thinking as well as actions.Maybe we can say for the elder people they should be responsible for what they take into account. For example rather than depending on the mass media completely to represent cultures as the accurate picture which is racist, one should meet people from different cultures to learn about them. The question is what about the children cartoons that carry those messages and can very well influence the upcoming generations. I think there should be a rule to limit the amount of stereotyping in children's cartoons. The link has a few hidden messages in the sound from Disney world.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Too Young and Too Skinny

The models we have seen over the past few years represent the same image for what is presented as the perfect woman by the media.They persuade girls to believe that looking younger and skinnier means looking better. We see models younger by the day we saw 14 year old  models followed by 12 year old models and the most recent is the Vogue 10 year old model Thylane Blondeau who was in provocative pictures with full make-up. If ten year old girls were to see her as their role model then where are we going next? We have already seen a high percentage of eating disorders for women below the age of twenty. Also Studies show that  when young girls are asked what their future ambitions are they would point out models not teachers or scientist.I do not think the media is pursuing the girls to what should be a women's perfect picture.