Sunday, December 4, 2011

Product Placement seems to be the strategy !

Product placement has become a very famous marketing strategy. It is used extensively in TV shows and movies. Recently we have been seeing an increasing use of the strategy especially in films. An illustration would be the movie Transformers where there is a hint to many brands even those that are competing. This link outlines most of the advertised brands in the movie through product placement such as Apple, Panasonic, Cadillac and Hummer. A movie that has had such a high rating at the box office could easily influence people and thus that was a very successful way for brands to bring their products to the customer's eye. The very interesting point is that competing products could be placed in the same movie and still as a marketing strategy this seems to be convenient . This is illustrated when the Porsche, Cadillac and Hummer are placed in Transformers as shown in the image above.

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